our mission is to welcome jesus into all of life

Searching for community? Check out our small groups meeting online and in person.

New Here?

Whether online or in person there is a place for you to #WelcomeJesusIntoAllOfLife
Welcome home to Family

Mission Vineyard meets at The DoSeum but our church is a diverse group for all ages. From the moment you arrive at front doors we are ready to welcome you and answer any questions!

Kids are on Mission too

We have an amazing ministry dedicated for kids 6 months+ through 5th grade. Youth have weekly small groups and are a vital participants in the larger Sunday services.

Come as you are

Worship services are a little over an hour. Join us for vibrant worship, relevant and encouraging teaching from the Bible, communion, and prayer. Dress comfortably and casually.

Here to serve

Included in our welcome gift is a “manna bag” to keep in your car that can help a homeless friend through one day; with new socks, food, and hygiene products – to “welcome Jesus into all of life.”

You can partner financially with Mission Vineyard Church with our online giving page. It's quick, easy, and goes directly towards where God is leading you to give. SiteLock

In San Antonio and around the world

Click on one of our partner pages to see what God is doing!
  • Multiply Vineyard

    Mission Vineyard has a vision to a group of 18 churches and 100 “micro” churches by 2035. Our vision is to plant churches of healthy disciple makers and baptized believers in Jesus that will continue to do the work of Matthew 28:18-20 – Teaching people to model and obey everything that Jesus said and did.  We plan on doing this in partnership with the Vineyard movement in the USA.  To hear more about the vision of Vineyard USA to plant churches visit https://multiplyvineyard.org/

    Multiply Vineyard
    Mission Partners
  • Convoy of Hope

    Mission Vineyard Church members decided to take 1 day of their annual pay, totaling over $9000, to go towards funding practical resources through churches on the ground in war-torn and crisis areas around the globe.Visit https://convoyofhope.org/ for more info

    Convoy of Hope
    Mission Partners
  • RIP Medical Debt

    Mission Vineyard Church raised almost $8000 and negotiated a payoff of ver $1,500,000 of Bexar County Medical Debt.  Visit https://ripmedicaldebt.org/ for more info.

    RIP Medical Debt
    Mission Partners
  • Snack Pak 4 Kids

    Mission Vineyard Church has partnered with Snack Park 4 Kids for 8 years funding weekend food for 100’s of kids at risk through SAISD Will Rogers Academy.  Today our partnership between Mission Vineyard, Will Rogers Academy and Snack Pak 4 Kids is funded by an anonymous grant. Visit https://snackpak4kidssa.org/ for more info or to get involved.

    Snack Pak 4 Kids
    Mission Partners
  • 1 HOPE 4 KIDS

    Mission Vineyard families partner with 1 Hope For Kids staff and families in practical and financial ways. Mission Vineyard has been a church sponsor in the past as well, dedicating our Christmas offerings to help fund the organization as a whole.  Visit https://1hopeforkids.org/ to find out more about Church centered foster and adoption around San Antonio.

    1 HOPE 4 KIDS
    Mission Partners
  • Viña Multiplica

    Mission Vineyard is dedicated to planting Spanish speaking Vineyard churches in the USA. Vineyard USA has a partnership of Latino pastors and leaders here in the United States.  Visit https://vineyardusa.org/explore/lavina/ for more info.

    Viña Multiplica
    Mission Partners
  • Xingu Mission

    Mission Vineyard Church sent out the Live Oak Vineyard in 2017 in Live Oak, TX. After planting the “Live Oak Vineyard” Derek and Amanda Blaylock and their family have moved to Brazil to assist Vineyard USA and Viña Brazil to plant churches near the Amazon delta. Click here for more info.

    Xingu Mission
    Mission Partners
  • Will Rogers Academy

    Beyond the Snack Pak program Mission Vineyard supports teachers and students every year in practical and spiritual ways. Have questions or want to serve? click here.

    Will Rogers Academy
    Mission Partners
  • Vineyard USA Argentina Partnership

    We are planting indigenous churches with Vineyard values all over Argentina. For questions click here.

    Vineyard USA Argentina Partnership
    Mission Partners
  • Intervarsity

    Mission Vineyard is dedicated to partnering with Intervarsity on campuses all over San Antonio. For more info on Intervarsity campus ministry click here.

    Mission Partners
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Our Mission is to welcome Jesus into all of life

Our Pastors & Staff

Our pastors & staff would love to connect with you, treat you for coffee or a meal, and answer any questions you have.
John Aureli
John Aureli
Senior Pastor
Herschel Rosser
Herschel Rosser
Mentor Pastor
Randall Pannell
Randall Pannell
Teaching Pastor
Elias y Myrna Martinez
Elias y Myrna Martinez
Campus Pastors Viña San Antonio
Berkely Webster
Berkely Webster
Director of Kids
Arleta Aureli
Arleta Aureli
Director of Connection and Integration

About Us

What makes Mission Vineyard Church unique?
Our mission is to welcome Jesus into all of life.

Our priority is AUTHENTIC ENCOUNTERS WITH JESUS. Whether in times of personal prayer, small groups, Sunday morning, or out serving in the community, Jesus invites us to encounter Him wherever we are.

We value CREATING COMMUNITY, SERVING GENEROUSLY, RESPONDING TO GOD’S PRESENCE, & MAKING DISCIPLES. Each group, team, meeting, service, and experience is done with these values in mind.

Mission Vineyard is a Vineyard Church. Over 2500 Vineyard churches are located all over the globe. More on Vineyard Churches in the United States can be found at www.vineyardusa.org.

  • Come and See

    Experience Mission Vineyard for yourself.

  • Love and Be Loved

    Get to meet some small group leaders and pastors.

  • Connect & Grow

    Get into community and expect God to grow you as you welcome Jesus into all of life.

  • Give it away.

    Everyone gets to play in God's Kingdom. How would you like to share your experience with the world?

Contact Us

How can we serve you?